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    Books in Homes- > Blog > Broadmeadows Primary School Wins Mainfreight Best Book Giving Assembly Competition 2019

    Broadmeadows Primary School Wins Mainfreight Best Book Giving Assembly Competition 2019

    Apr 2, 2020 0

    Books in Homes Australia is proud to announce the winner of the inaugural Mainfreight Best Book Giving Assembly Competition as Broadmeadows Primary School from Melbourne, Victoria.

    Nine Mainfreight-sponsored schools were automatic entrants into this competition, which recognised the best effort for organising Book Giving Assemblies over two terms during 2019. Mainfreight representatives, as well as  Books in Homes Role Models, were the judges and awarded points across multiple criteria. On the presentation day in mid March (prior to the coronavirus lock down) Mainfreight representatives awarded Broadmeadows Primary School with a perpetual trophy and a smaller trophy in recognition of their excellent achievement and for emphasising the Books in Homes theme, which is “Read to Succeed”.

    Congratulations to Broadmeadows Primary School for a stellar effort, and thank you to Mainfreight for sponsoring the competition.

    The competition has commenced again for 2020.



    PHOTO: Trophy presentation from Mainfreight representatives to members of the Broadmeadows Student Representative Council (SRC).

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