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    Books in Homes- > Blog > Schools Seeking Sponsors Initiative

    Schools Seeking Sponsors Initiative

    Oct 1, 2021 0

    Books in Homes has just launched its new Schools Seeking Sponsors web page, which is intended as a kind of a matchmaking service between schools wanting to participate on the Books in Homes program and potential sponsors. Books in Homes receives a multitude of requests every year from schools and community organisations, wishing to participate on the program, and this web page will make it easier for those schools and communities to reach interested individuals, corporations or organisations that wish to support the program through sponsorship.

    The web page is broken into three sections: primary schools, preschools, and early childhood centres. The listings in each program are arranged by State / Territory and in alphabetical order. Sponsors can choose schools or centres that fit their criteria. As an example, they may want to fund a school in their local area, or fund a remote Indigenous school or a school with a high intake of refugee children.

    At present there are two primary school listings but the Schools Seeking Sponsors page is expected to grow rapidly. Books in Homes has dropped in a counter into THE BRIDGE; the figure will be updated every month.

    Schools, centres and communities, wishing to register their interest in finding a sponsor can email our Communications Coordinator, Julie Ditrich, so that we may add their profile to let our supporters know we have another school seeking a sponsor.

    If you wish to become a sponsor, then please check out the schools looking for sponsors listings to find a match that not only fits your criteria but also resonates with you. You can also contact Peter Large to obtain further information and walk-through how you can get involved to help more children receive Books in Homes.

    Just visit the Schools Seeking Sponsors page for further information.

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